1931 – The Cornelius Company was founded in 1931 by Dick Cornelius and his father, N.F. Cornelius Sr.

1935 – Cornelius Inc. was incorporated 1935 and Until WWII, the company’s principle activity was the manufacture and sale of draft beer equipment

1940’s – Supported the WWII aircraft industry. Cornelius talent and facilities devoted to the manufacture of airborne high-pressure pneumatic compressors and associated accessory equipment for military aircraft.

1955 – Launched first pre-mix system for dispensing soft drinks
1957 – Complete dispensing units and other units added to the line including Co2 regulators and cold plates. Cornelius has the most complete line of pre-mix dispensing equipment in the industry.

1960-1968 – Cornelius goes global. Established manufacturing subsidiaries, sales and/or service support in Canada, Asia, South America, and Australia.
1961 – Aero Division company sold
1962 – Sales of soft drink equipment surpassed the $10 million mark
1964 – Soda Circuit post-mix dispenser was introduced. A central remote cooling unit and insulated multiple delivery line cooled by recirculated cold carbonated water.

1967 – Launched frozen carbonated beverage dispensers. In order to meet the demand for colder drinks, Cornelius introduces a line of post-mix frozen carbonated beverage dispensers, which not only mixes the soft drink, but also reduces the temperature of the drink to below 30 degrees while preserving the carbonation and dispensed it in a slushy consistency.

1969 – 80% of the carbonated beverage dispenser in operation are post-mix. Post-mix can dispense a drink at a lower cost than pre-mix by eliminating the cost of handling and transporting large quantities of water.

1970 – Cornelius launched dry base dispensing, including hot chocolate, hot coffee, and mashed potatoes

1979 – Throughout the 70’s the business continued to expand its global presence and, as the countertop revolution begins, Cornelius develops electronic control systems for such applications.

1980 – Official supplier of the 1980 Summer Olympics

1980 – Launch first electronic post-mix dispenser, the Zesto. Zesto’s electronic touch switched dispensed six flavors in three

1982 – Cornelius was acquired by IMI. The worldwide IMI Cornelius Group includes manufacturing companies in the U.S., England, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and China.

1985 – IMI Cornelius Group further extended its product range by acquiring Schneider Metal Manufacturing, producers of ice makers, ice dispensers and combination ice and drink dispensers.

1990 – IMI Cornelius acquired Remcor

1998 – IMI Cornelius purchased the Jet Spray® brand. The Jet Spray brand is best known for visual display cold drink dispensers. The Jet Spray brand has set the standard for excellence in non-carbonated cold beverage dispensing since 1950.

1997 – Acquired Wilshire Corporation. Wilshire brought 60 years of experience in the design and manufacture of beverage and ice dispensing equipment. Not only came with juice but came with chunklet ice. With the acquisition of Wilshire, Quest launch shortly followed.

2008 – Launched Viper, new FCB Platform

2014 – Berkshire Hathaway’s wholly owned Marmon Group purchased Cornelius Inc. from IMI

2015 – Launched Viper Elite.

2015 – Launched IDC-Pro a revolutionary new interactive post-mix ice drink dispenser. Featured dual touch screen and user interface, onboard diagnostic service, multi-flavor valves with 20 brands and 8 flavor shots.

2017 – Launched Cornelius Digital Management System, DMS. Cornelius DMS is a simple, easy-to-use solution for monitoring your business and gives you the tools you need to drive rapid growth.
2017 – Launched QSP an innovative solution to support drive-thru efficiency

2019 – Launched NitroPro™ Mini. An easy-to-use beverage dispenser that delivers unlimited on-trend nitro infusion without costly extra equipment. Just plug-in and dispense the creamy mouthfeel with more balanced flavor of nitro and cold brew coffee.

2019 – Launched Prism Valve and Lit Valve